Premium Soy Wax For Candles | All Seasons Wax Company
EST. 2017

Home Of The Best Soy Wax In The World | All Seasons Wax Company

Based in Melbourne, Australia, All Seasons Wax Company has developed premium pure soy and soy blend candle wax options. 

Our wax has been meticulously designed and crafted to achieve certain outcomes that will result in better candles.

All Seasons Wax currently has 3 prototype waxes which are currently in trial phase prior to full production later in the year.


Soy wax blends professionally developed in Australia to help you create better candles.

Make better soy wax candles using the highest quality, sustainably sourced raw materials.


Join thousands of professional commercial pourers and hobbyist candle makers around the world who have already switched over to All Seasons Wax Company, and are reaping the rewards of selling more candles, receiving more compliments and gaining more and more stockists every day!

Our waxes officially catapulted into the market and have left the competition in our wake. Customers demanded better scent throw, a more stable product to work with and supply chain transparency so All Seasons Wax Delivered!
All Seasons Wax Company went from being a hot, new prospect entering the market to being an established force dominating the industry's heavyweights.

Designed in Australia and utilising innovative manufacturing processes we've been able to have all our boxes produced fully recyclable and in the process reducing over 600m2 of non-decomposable material. 
Our range includes a wax suitable for multiple uses across the candle industry from Melts to Pillars, Containers to Moulds.
Available in 5kg and 15kg boxes with easy-carry handles our full range includes:

S16 Deluxe Soy | A27 Performance Soy Blend |S100 Pure Soy |A05 Superior CocoSoy | B808 BeeSoy


What Makes All Seasons Wax Better Than The Rest?

Wax Consistency

Our products are designed to be easy to work with, consistent from the day you open the box to when it’s sitting on a showroom shelf or a mantlepiece at home. Our range includes waxes which perform in warmer climates (that have been designed to resist sweating or oil leakage) and waxes which love the cold - so they won’t shrink or frost.


Anti Sweat & Anti Shrink properties

One of the greatest challenges of candle making is combating the natural expansion and contraction of soy wax. Perhaps one of the great innovations we've implemented into our waxes is the ability to resist sweating, shrinking and frosting.  These issues are caused by fluctuating temperatures and the natural soy wax compounds contracting and expanding.

Hot & COld Scent throw

Scent throw is what sells candles. If a candle doesn’t smell great, a customer won’t buy it. For this reason, our natural wax products have been fine tuned to deliver great hot and cold scent throw. Start making candles which blow customers away by allowing more scent notes to be released from the candle than any other wax product on the market.


Burn Time

Nobody likes a candle that burns too quick or too slow. The way to achieve a consistent and reliable burn time is for the fragrance and the wax to marry together in perfect harmony (and an appropriate wick of course!). The ability of our soy waxes to bind with more fragrances than any other wax on the market is another unique trait of All Seasons Wax.

Aesthetic Appearance

Surface appearance shows to a potential customer what a well produced, high quality candle they are enjoying. The All Seasons Wax formulas have been designed with retail appearance in mind, so if you're trading at a warm and sunny market, or your candles sit on an air conditioned shelf at your department store - you can pour your candles with confidence knowing All Seasons Wax won't let you down.

Shelf Life

What good is a candle that changes shape or colour after sitting on a shelf for six weeks? Not a very good one! Candles made with All Seasons Wax Company waxes enjoy longer and more stable shelf life than candles make with other waxes on the market.
Distributors and stockists LOVE candles that last.


A company setting new industry standards

Based in Melbourne, Australia, All Seasons Wax Company was created to cater to the growing demand for a range of candle waxes which has exceptional performance in a wide range of conditions and for a company that is transparent and honest.   With years of industry experience, over 12 months fine tuning and testing, our waxes have been meticulously designed and developed for consistent performance, and to facilitate the production of gorgeous candles around the world.

Blogs by candle making experts

At All Seasons Wax Company, we’re experts with everything related to the field of candle wax.
But in order to remain a technical authority in the industry we employee guest blog writers to share their knowledge on topics such as choosing wicks, fragrance oil viscosity and where the best summer markets are for candle makers. Hit the button below to browse our library of blog topics and up-skill your candle making today!

Have a look at what real candlemakers are saying about our waxes….

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